
As obvious as it is that he did terrible things, there are possibly millions of people who still believe him, or don’t know enough to know what seems like the obvious truth, OR just don’t care about what he did. There are plenty of truths (the Holocaust, racist bullshit, white privilege, patriarchal bullshit) that can

I think you’re right about everything except this particular interview. Because in this particular interview, we’re all laughing at this stupid motherfucker for trying to cry his way outta this shit. And applauding Gayle for not giving him any applause for his acting performance.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, the people who didn’t like Ninja Theory’s DmC eityher didn’t play it, or didn’t finish it, because by the end of that game the beloved goddamn status quo everyone bitched endlessly about the game not having is completely restored. Based on it’s lackluster sales, I have to

I never finished it either. I remember the stealth being..bad. But I should go back and play it again. 

I think Saboteur was pretty good. You're actually fighting Nazi's, which is pretty much the best evil empire to fight against. From what I remember the story was pretty decent as well, even though I never finished the game.

Sorry Steven, you’re wrong. The fact is that “TV movies” in the traditional sense barely even exist anymore beyond The Hallmark Channel. I would concede that a film designed to fit the rhythms of commercial breaks and edited for time by default is a very different beast from a theatrical film, but Netflix clearly

“Look 9/11 was bad, but can’t you just learn to make the best of it? We have.”

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: all of these reviews make me feel guilty for enjoying Anthem.

Or, you could die.

...oh. I thought it was this other line

I’m guessing that there are a lot of people that haven’t had the fun of trying to get a certified copy of the birth certificate that they need to get their official state-issued identification card because they need the official state-issued identification card in order to get the certified copy of the birth

One word, Chili.

As someone who grew up in London and moved to NYC in the ’90s I agree with you wholeheartedly—I have found it incomprehensible why anyone would find 21 Savage’s situation worthy of humor. Newham is a tough working class neighborhood in East London. Black, possibly Dominican (not the DR, Dominica in the West Indies)

Does Mrs. Rand Paul know about this?

Latina here - same thing with us. People like to pretend that we can’t be racist because we’re a minority in the States, but (especially) as a white Latina, I’ve seen more than my share of disgusting racism both within Latinxs and towards other people... and add virulent misogyny, homophobia, and transphobia to the

African Americans should care regardless, because due to Jim Crow there are a lot of black people who don’t have official hospital records of their birth. Or people don’t remember their correct birthday or there is mismatching dates of what the government has vs what grandma wrote down in the family bible. I see this

Rewind nailed a lot of aspects, but I want to add a couple more. One major factor in how Black America looks at Black immigrants has to do with the geographic and socioeconomic distribution of the population. The Afro-Caribbean population of the USA is distributed in what I refer to as the AFC East states due to their

There is very much an in-depth discussion long overdue for Black America about understanding the lives of Caribbean, European, and African Americans. Too much is lost in translation of how Blackness is defined,and often Black America is very dismissive and blind to its own xenophobia.

This is some mighty fine work, Ms. Stidhum and this:

That’s not how immigration works. If you’re here illegally, they’re not just going to let you ‘fill out some paperwork’ and stay. He’d have to go back for a significant amount of time before applying, but now that he’s got a criminal immigration offense, it’s going to be much harder.