Will sounds like a future Senator.
Will sounds like a future Senator.
Prosecutors used four peremptory strikes on white men, including one who has a pro-police bumper sticker on his vehicle and another who is in the process of becoming a Chicago police officer. Defense lawyers used five peremptory strikes on people who are not white, including a black man who serves as a church elder…
A) Larry Mark is a very Black name
Another reminder that once again, you never know what true pain people hide beneath their smiles and also, too many of us were taken advantage of from our early years and had no idea how that pain, anguish, and sadness would fester within us for years to come.
As we’ve come to know, the House of the Mouse is not as squeaky clean as the image they portray.
I understand where your frustration comes from with that angle as I tend to not be a fan of that notion either.
Yea.....that is not my point at all...so no.
I think this is the main outcome.
I respect the humble beginnings of Morgan & Cooper. I respect them for creating Afropunk and filling in a void most people did not pay attention to. I respect them for upping the ante with acts, going global, and creating a community of unapologetic, beautiful, radiant Blackness.
buahahaha it just came out of nowhere Pai.
Never thought I’d say this in my life about a politician, let alone Corey Booker, but....this is was a Too Short moment. Blow The Whistle.
I got that RBF too and yet somebody ALWAYS HAS TO BE THE ONE TO TRY IT.
“ I said, do you have a husband”? She said “no, my husband is a drunk”. I said “I need somebody” and she said “I need somebody nice” and we’ve been together ever since.
I told my supervisor she had no couth during a black out moment followed by a choice set of expletives without cursing once.
This game is soooooooooooooooo fun. I played it at the first Play NYC convention in 2017 and had such a good time playing with Mary Martha. She gave the details in a real structured way and then her friends helped ease me into the game. Before I knew it, we all had jokes no matter card we picked.
Typo: right now.
Issa is coming off as a full blown user write now.