If he’s worried about looking cartoonish, I’m more than happy to push DD over a cliff with an anvil in his hands.
You kill someone in a cowardly way while wearing a badge, you no longer are afforded the luxuries in life that you took away from another human being.
Because they don’t want to view themselves as culprits instead of victims.
If the goal of season 3 is to speak about toxic masculinity, then perhaps removing a character when he’s at his most toxic (when his emotions are all over the place and he has yet to make sense of them) may help.
Sometimes the stars align and prophecies come true, so let’s just get this out the way now
This is a cute first step.
Didn’t even know what it was until I was about to delete an episode of The Hollow only to realize it was already gone.
We who write comments and essays daily about why people do the dumb things they do consistently forget the priviliege we have to be intelligent and self-aware enough to have our thoughts.
Way too much power for one person with no oversight to have.
Bought to be the first campaign with some fire ass memes and clapbacks.
This is exactly why all I want for her is to be left the hell alone and enjoy her whole black ass joyful life.
Kat Williams is up for an Emmy.
I’d love to know if Simmons’ polygraph tests asked questions like “Did these women indicate clear consent to having sex with you?” or questions like “Did you assault these women?” I’m going to guess it was probably the latter.
America loves American success stories just as long as they are based on perception of what looks better.
So on that day, not only did we have coked up Russell Simmons, we had coked up flabby walrus Russell Simmons.
The success of it all hopefully flows with the success in your personal life.
I’m surprised they chose the museum and that is literally the best one to use as an example but something should have come before the museum.