I’d be weary of saying most, because on a daily basis, any region of Black folks can prove that’s not true.
Glad to have provided that for you then.
lmao I had to come back to your comment and laugh my ass off this morning.
Thanks GS!
You’re quite welcome.
Girl you know how I get down. I just said what came naturally.
Come come now, you gotta believe in fairy tales sometimes!
You know it boo. I lived this shit, so I’m just speaking the facts.
Take it boo.
I want them to win, because the old guard needs to be handed their loss.
Aren’t you embarrassed to be such a hideous creature that Kinja purposely scrambled your avatar to protect our eyes?
It’s shit like this that makes me question why anyone would ever assume unity and world peace is a real goal.
How stupid do you have to be at this rate in 2018 to not understand your own experience is not endemic to what everyone else will experience?
Something definitely sounds off but whatever the case may be, this definitely is tragic. I don’t want to think something happened to the kids but it feels like....they may not be around anymore.
I really don’t care what you are. Your limited experiences with a few people doesn’t really qualify you to be speak for Black gamers in general, just for yourself.
I’m so sick of the verbal gymnastics by white commenters on this site, and anywhere on the net.
He’s white.
Try 10 years of people yelling “nigger” on X-box Live everytime you open your mouth. Then get back to me about racism epidemics.