I used to think me trying to commit suicide at 14 was extremely harsh at a young age. At 34, my depression still gives me the ass whooping of a life time but I’ve had time to gain understanding of it.
I used to think me trying to commit suicide at 14 was extremely harsh at a young age. At 34, my depression still gives me the ass whooping of a life time but I’ve had time to gain understanding of it.
I’d say God bless a woman who can sleep with a man that has a cantaloupe for a chin and a face that’s a combination of deleted code and an error message but......nah.
You can tell by his face his browser history excessively has the words “ebony & big Black” in it.
Boo thang!
Thank you for saying this.
Then this is a price far too kind.
Then that goes in the Trump Hall of Fame of bad toupees
lmao oh he did this to himself?
In the history of great shows with a canned episode, there’s a low ratio the episode was bad. Usually it was due to the episode having a message the studio couldn’t handle. And this is Black-ish...there are no wack episodes. Especially if they’re talking shit about the NFL.
The pettiness in you to find a picture of Jay-Z looking like a debouched Billie Dee Williams circa 1984 is astounding.
But this is why I knew location was always a huge factor.
I feel how I feel.
I said what I said.
Ultimately, this is on the athletes.
Those Howard days were DARK. I can’t even lie. Some good times but man were they kinda fucked up too.
1) So sick of this “one Black person speaks for all Black people” bullshit. It’s old. It needs to die the most severe of deaths. You aint never (yea I’m going full hood now) going to please White people. They will always find a way to undermine us no matter how well we play the game. Stop telling other Black folks to…
For anything else, he would get flamed for wearing the same thing repeatedly like an animated superhero.
lmaoooooooooooooooooooooooooo NOOOO NOT THE TOWERS!