
This is the point of most truly conservative policies (NOTE I DID NOT SAY REPUBLICAN). These policies are very much a part of the Libertarian platform. Any infringement on free speech should be protected, no matter how offensive. You have the right not to buy a game, or not to watch the Super Bowl, or not to listen to

@se7a7n7: Think about the rig you will be playing Crysis on in emulation for nostalgia.

@jdale: The C64 app was reapproved fully intact with the recent app guidelines rewrite.

Don't forget. No Wire Hangers:

@lifeh4xor: I have actually tried to have my wife look at communication (email, phone, etc) in order to help in my occupation (remote oracle dba - work from home for a company), but in all honesty it didn't make sense. I have thought about a third party as well, and certainly in my current position it doesn't make

@SpudDude: Well...I am already paying the "marriage tax" as it is, so this is just one more, benefit. :D

So...where is the slot to pay the Apple Tax ® ?

@quixiotic: Yet, it is still better than "crotch shot syndrome," which I consider to be much, MUCH worse.

Yet another reason I actually prefer to gobble up websites in 3G on my iPhone and not via public, unencrypted WiFi.

For all the openness in the world, why on earth on carriers still locking down their handsets that it takes such efforts to gets apps on phones. Tier pricing, throttled usage...they're managing this anyway, why on earth are they still doing this?

Why use a Virtual Assistant when I can force...em, ask my wife to do it for free? /s

It should be noted that should the US adopt the FairTax and repeal corporate and personal income taxes, the influx of company headquarters migrating to our shores would be incredible.

@Ulmaxes: The only way this could have been better if the shooter could have handed the pilot his beer first.


@Smeagol92055: Nice. I was wondering when Capt. Mal would have something to say.

@blehbleh13: Or the battle on Hoth, but by then it's all lasers.

@tempo_kid92: It was one of the first victims of SciFi channel's short-sightedness