
The only way you could look less tough is by drinking a fruity drink with a straw.

I do agree, he Spark is a penalty box when you just look at the materials. But you can find them for $7,500 and that along with no maintenance and gas prices going up, pretty good car that’s fun to drive.  But first and foremost, it is a cheap car.

The Spark EV is an absolute blast to drive.  Leased one and drove it HARD.  When I needed new tires I got the Falken Azenis 200 wear rating.  Killed the range but made it so fun to drive.

You’re all in need of a car, so you’re getting...

You Get A Tax Bill.

That camera work. Jesus, shoot SOMETHING that’s going on and not just the ground.

So, it’s an upscale Enclave/Traverse/Acadia but nothing really new. No EV or Hybrid option. What’s the point?  Yawn indeed.

1st gear. People are now used to $4- or $5-a-gallon gasoline.” How can one deduce this when the current gas price average is $2.57. Get prices back up to over $5.00 and see what people do. 

“We were not officiating while the Tesla was testing on the track. Official records only happen during sanctioned events where a sanctioning body is officiating.” Translation: We didn’t get paid, so no record.

You know you’re in trouble when this guy designs a far superior looking car.

We run a Lemons team and after our last race I decided to break down all the expenses. Oh Boy was that a mistake. When you realize how much this costs it really takes the fun out of it. Soooo, I just chalked up my accounting to a massive error and I no longer keep track of the cost and I have a lot more fun.   

I just call it “livin’”. In the Bay Area a cold morning is 50*. I put the top down, actually the top is always down, and crank the floor heat.  It’s just glorious.  People look at me like i am deranged, I look back with pity at them being cooped up inside a box.  If you don’t have a convertible, do yourself a favor

Tesla claims its drive train has “fewer than 20" moving parts.”  Hell, my 2000 Durango often had ZERO moving parts.

I wish it would take my job today as I am machining Kovar (it sucks massive amounts of everything to machine).

So, the states are in trouble for trying to get better MPG averages.  How is this an issue?  It seems like me telling my son he needs a B average to drive and he comes in with all A’s and I punish him for that.  At least that’s how it looks to me.   

August sales are coming in hot as aggressive incentives lifted the market above our forecast”

First off: Is that a model 20 diff cover on David’s head?

And we’re giving the “overboost” feature a pass?  

This article got me excited to buy one of these as my son is looking for his first car and I would like it to be something fun to drive (well, not boring) and more or less done depreciating. Then I remembered what company built this and made it a hard pass. I owned this era Durango and it was a massive pile of

Uber paid its top five executives $143 million in total compensation last year.