4th Gear: Whats the hold up with some sort of EV or FCV pickup? I would love an EV pickup that gets 200 miles of range.
4th Gear: Whats the hold up with some sort of EV or FCV pickup? I would love an EV pickup that gets 200 miles of range.
I read the headline and thought “Huh, birds eat rust.”
“Torch and David should be barred from even suggesting anything in this series. I like to see this taken seriously.”
“So if you want to put down Tesla for “cost above all else”, then you should also go really hard on just about every other car maker out there.”
And when was the last time Tesla didn’t keep a promise?
I do agree with you about cutting costs being a part of manufacturing. What I was saying is that Tesla has the overriding focus on cost above all else. It’s not part of the equation, it is the equation.
I’m not arguing about everyone being price conscious. I must have missed the part of the article you sent about piles of bad parts bought from the low bidder needing to get reworked. Also, how did this ultimately work out for GM Europe?
Nothing really earth shattering. Just a company that ONLY cares about cost will usually only get cheap parts. That is why this is a thing.
2nd Gear: Tesla Reportedly Asking Suppliers For Money Back
My senior year of high school we went to a Trek show and one of the panels was discussing the reality of the tech. There was a woman wearing a shirt that was 6 sizes too small and was just about falling out. At that point I did not care about Trek in any way. Thanks for reminding me of that.
“But being America’s performance brand, long term, [some of the vehicles] may not fit.”
Had no idea what Torch would come up with. Was not disappointed.
“Rust is a bitch.”
In a not so shocking development, David Tracy suggests an American rust bucket.
I don’t understand the drawn out reveal of this car. When it finally gets revealed people are going to wonder what all the fuss was about. This goes to something similar, but in movies. The film Almost Famous had a really long release. It was rolled out really slow and by the time it was in wide release, people…
My ongoing joke is, if you can call a 4 door a coupe then I can call myself Mr. Universe. If labels don’t matter, then why have them.
This movie is great in the way Zero Dark Thirty is great. All story with only a passing reference to any characters background. The way the “good guys” become the bad guys and the bad guys stay the bad guys was just mesmerizing. I walked out of the theater wondering on who I was supposed to be rooting for. And…
Khloe’ Kardashian and Tristan Thompson are on the outs and now this!!! This is turning into a really bad Friday.
Good point