
Here’s the new logo

This is some sort of Philip K. Dick alternate reality now. Does $kaycog change the space time continuum commenting on her own COTD? I’m afraid.

I say kill the whole thing. Actually put it out of its misery would be more apt.

DMV stood back and asked “what problem do we need to fix” and they came up with this? Not the abysmal customer service or worthless interactions with employees? Not the convoluted web site that really only answers questions that you already know? Not the massive wait times to get an appointment for stuff like

I thought a 2 door wagon was an estate wagon. I also thought Ben and J.Lo would last, so I’m pretty sure I’m wrong.

So I’m looking at another aspect, $700,000 for the right to drive a cab. There seems to be a lot of taxis in NY. Did these cost $700,000 from the government and if so, why is there no money to fix the subway. Holy crap, I just did the math and at 1,000 taxi medallions that’s 700 million dollars.

Kinjaed again. Supposed to be a pic of Bernie.

Bernie would at least get this working. It would be run through a front company that made him and his cronies loads of money, but it would have probably worked.

Is nothing sacred? Just think of something new and stop making a mess of the classic stuff. Was the cgi done in a 5th grade after school class. That was embarrassingly bad.

I shudder at the thought of COTD comes out of this story just for what $kay will post.

It is shocking what an animal can do to a cars interior. I was hunting years ago and another person in our group left the window open enough that a raccoon got in. He ate everything in the car then could not figure his way out. When we walked back all the windows were fogged over and the owner could not figure out

The issue is Ford doesn’t know how to market this car as it does not start with the letter E ,F or run over people at Cars and Coffee.

“Ford worried about rampant, profit-turning resales hurting the car’s value—and Ford’s brand.” Huh?

And Torch is back with a vengeance!!!!!

On a serious note, I think Tesla is in a pickle. Tesla is trying to launch three unique vehicles as well as the Model S needs a refresh. When I step back and look at this, with all of my no auto business experience, I don’t understand why Tesla is pushing off an EV pickup. I don’t know if they have noticed, but

“Musk believes Tesla will become profitable by the third quarter of this year” I believe I will be dating the Swedish Bikini team by the end of the year. If I believe it, it comes true, right?

Problem is that when Ford has this issue they just make a bigger and more blinged out truck. I don’t think a F150 Super Titanium Turbo Platinum Mega Duty will solve the problem there, and if gas prices continue to go up, I don’t think it will here either.

Problem is Harley does not have this to keep it afloat. (In case I get Kinja’d, it’s a Jeep logo)

On a different note, Welcome back Torch. Don’t you ever leave like that without telling us. You had your mom and I scared to death.