They did a study in which they found that the US has much higher gun crime than most other Western countries, despite the fact that they have less video game consumption.
It's clear that Miyamoto had this all planned out in advance, and spoke to Iwata about a "photo stunt" for DK, with the model ready and all. Iwata and Reggie think it's a great idea, and Miyamoto finally gets to go into the barrel.
In PAL regions, the Wii and Wii U (thank god not the 3DS) have 50Hz emulation, exactly like the PAL originals. To make it smoother, they slowed down the games (mainly the older ones) by 17.5% (REALLY noticeable), and most still lag.
Yeah, but you get what I mean :P
We're calling this new feature, "Anti-gravity".
*virtual hugz*
Now, I'mma let you finish...
The Ouya is very cool, tbh. Probably won't get one.
That's definitely my favourite of the three.
This is the attention to detail that would make a game so much better.
This is the perfect time for Nintendo to tidy up their god-awful Virtual Console, with awesome features with third-party-device devs like those at Oculus.
Far Cry 3 was awesome. It was a perfect game for me to pick up the series.
I just got bored of AC3 once Connor started becoming an assassin. It was so dull. :c
I meant the type of game it is, if it succeeds, it'll be really good.
Heh, that last sentence made me laugh.
I really hope this becomes a great game, and not an AC3.
Indie devs, no fake gaming recorded, defense on the gaming media.
I don't think I did.