
Helps that everyone right now is just calling it Xbox 720, doesn't it?

Scout from TF2?


Knowing Valve, they've worked out their stuff for the Steambox and will probably get rid of "console gaming" as we know it for their alternative.

If you've not heard of LittleBigPlanet, you must look into it. It was Sony's selling game for the PS3. :P

Everything to the right of F12, backspace, etc.

Is the 3DS Virtual Console in PAL regions as crap as the Wii and Wii U ones? 50Hz and unbearable lag. When I go to the US on holiday, I'm picking up a US PS2 and the two Mega Man collections, because there's no alternative.

As somebody who is too young to have seen the A-Team, I imagine it's just running, with no bullets hitting anyone.

Is this a new series? I'm not familiar with this either way. The trailer looks awesome, but I wished there was a proper gameplay trailer by this point for most game's lifecycles. I want to know if this is the type of game I'll be interested in, and if I won't be able to play it because it will be on a "next-gen"

I guess that's just Scottish me being anti-America. :P

My brain.

You mean their new groundbreaking title...

Running trend of AC hype:

The "occupying army" is only occupying the natives. All of the Brits and other Europeans who moved to America, including the patriots, were the occupying army. Eventually, the so-called "free" America set out to murder a ton of native tribes, so very few exist now.

As someone from Scotland, I can say that the majority of Scottish people, especially in the highlands, have beautiful accents.

Oh, Scotland.

Now, if this was a British advert, you'd see text at the end,

And made a million dollars.

Very impressive, but the stiff arm-waving of L.A. Noire still haunts.

The TV show tie-in is off-putting, but ignoring that, it looks very interesting.