
Screw mainstream dark colours, I'm a table.

Wha... da faq?

I probably won't pick this one up.

Thanks. Played almost an hour of Thomas Was Alone; amazing so far.

To be fair, in Western culture these sort of things ni this style are directed towards children.

Is this sale going to be like most, with games randomly going on sale for even cheaper?

On knowyourmeme, you may notice that the fad was MUCH more popular come August last year. It's irritating hearing so many people talk about it in your average day.

Damn Britain and our Health and Safety regulations. Why can't they just for once go, "Fuck it, if you hurt yourself it's your own damn fault."?

To be honest, the video was ehh.

I always love vehicles, they make a game for me.

That was quite funny. :P

A good argument, you've got me there.


So basically a reskin of Cool Story Bro? It's good, but reskins don't ever become sayings or fads.

But Star Wars is always cool!


SEGA? Dimps?


You guys can all be excited, but here in Scotland anything with voice recognition is a no-go.