
And they looked GREAT.

I still see 90's Saturns on the roads, but usually adorned with cracked plastic.

I was told by a car dealer that many end up being shipped to other countries. The same with Lexus, and I was also told that the dealers will do this as part of a “policy” so that old ratty versions of the trusted marque are not on the roads, thus damaging the brand. No sure to call BS on this or not.

There is only one allowable color for the Storm...90's TEAL!!!!

All of a sudden it’s a 70's Celica lovefest on this site...The Jordan Cox race, the UK drift car, and now this.

Wear your seatbelt.

Buying a car from a Mexican junkyard does not give me that warm and fuzzy easy peaceful feeling. CRACK PIPE!

Funny, I saw this on Car Gurus yesterday....1973 GT6 for $9900.

Chocolate anything will sell well in an obese America.

I had to settle for crushed zirconium on my Smart Car.

Hilarious. But how the hell does one crush diamonds? With better, stronger diamonds?

You nailed it. Smiles per mile is the number one reason to have it. It’s why I have my Abarth.

The BRZ is fun at 60 and 70 mph the way a supercar is approaching 150.

And at the same time, less reliance on 0-60 times and more on actual FUN is needed here. Nothing beats the ability to thrash a car, even at lower speeds, and most Porsche owners wouldn’t dream of doing that, at least most that I know. They use them to calmly drive around gathering stares. I hurts.

Unfortunately in this country, the sports car is slowly going the way of the dodo because the dodos are buying big gas sucking overweight vehicles with automatic transmissions. It just sucks.

How long before the Chinese run our auto industry. We danced with the devil, and now he wants to take us home.

Public transportation was never meant to run in the black as much as it is an investment in the economy. Just like bridges, highways,etc. It is part of the infrastructure designed to move people to where they have to be, and is a helluva lot more efficient than everybody driving their own vehicle.

I just don’t want to have to look at them.

And they showed HOCKEY, which is why ESPN existed in the first place.

ESPN has gone the way of MTV, in that they have forgotten their roots. It is unwatchable now, and pretty much another infotainment channel.