
Red lights are the bane of my existense. And while slow drivers I can handle alright, the ones that roll through through a stop sign to pull in front of me while I’m going 55 mph and then driving slow I cannot tolerate very well. Just wait two seconds willya?

Or other car enthusiasts that do nothing but wash and polish their idol, whilst never even thinking of driving the car the way it was designed to be driven.

Just his music after flying through the Blizzard of Oz.

I traded a pair of hockey gloves for a case of beer recently. That’s pretty Canadian.

But never actually tells you who Tim Horton actually was. He was....drum roll please.....A GREAT HOCKEY PLAYER!!!! And even morbidly cooler, died in a Pantera after falling asleep on painkillers after a game.

These are the morons that actually believe the saying;”If you are not cheating then you are not trying hard enough”

But isn’t this the same as mom jeans with high heels????

This is some kind of miracle.

People seem proud to be stupid these days, and there is another country song coming on the radio telling them that it’s ok to be stupid.

My Malibu has that, and it works great.

Well said. Maybe this will prevent the idiots from driving at dusk without their lights on, after shutting off their DRLs because they infringed on their rights to be self serving morons.

KY is your kinfolk in regards to your stats. And very Republican. I’m not a Dem, but it would be interesting to see if there is a correlation with Blue/Red states and traffic deaths.

That would infringe upon our inalienable rights to be STOOPID.

There are many variables to consider here, but one glaring omission is the fact that people just seem to be getting STOOPIDER!!! I know, but it’s MY word.

When has logic really ever applied to the Grannies? Or any other awards show for that matter. Its about sales, pomp and circumstance. I can think of so many other singers better that Beyonce or Taylor, but they are the coronated queens of the current.

Is this the one?

Yes, that. Too much grappa that afternoon I guess. Egads.

When did “disingenuous” become your new word? You can feel your hate through your comments. Your hate is what keeps the hate alive. Name calling, calling the police pigs, you are the harvest of your hate.

Stop your name calling.

It was too racist and segregationist, as if “other” lives didn’t matter. And it certainly doesn’t matter in district 11 in Chicago, where Blacks killing Blacks is a sad never ending saga.