Is it racist to recall that President Obama was 1/2 White?
Is it racist to recall that President Obama was 1/2 White?
We call them Rupert’s Robots.
Because $kaycog is always the answer. Always.
But as my folks used to say...WE end up paying, because insurance weasels know how to pass the buck.
Until tomorrow.
How about just not stealing other people’s property? If we had more of that attitude, starting at the top, man, what a wonderful world. You know I can hear you singing some Louis now.
ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ. Does Jalopnik have a motto?
That attitude will keep you down every time. Just like assuming all Blacks are criminals and Mexicans are rapists, until they prove otherwise.
An ya migh git a gut sock in da puss jusba suggistin it!
I wish the PC police would just embrace the meal as something made famous by our fellow Americans. It’s a helluva good meal and anything associated with it should be positive. But noooooooo......
27 hours from Sydney to Detroit. Qantas-NWA. When Dad picked me up and I was complaining he stated; “SHUT YOUR PIEHOLE!!! , you just travelled most of the way around the world in 27 hours”
After many delays trying to leave Midway, at about 3 am, left for Atlanta for a connecton. I’ll never forget the approach into ATL, watching the ground getting closer as we prepared to touch down, only to throttle up, nose near stall level, and watching the tail of another plane flash by underneath us.
Please cover up, as your ignorance is showing. Detroit is not that bad a place, you just need to know where to go, and you obviously don’t. Is there any industrial city in the world that is as fabulous as one that isn’t? Heavy industry is dirty, and there is no other city in the country that has endured what Detroit…
The interior looks like 80's Russian disco style. I’m expecting a print like this on the wall...
Oh, you are one of those. Where the gov’t is nothing but bureaucrats and never stop to think about what they have to do every day to put up with the brainwashed “gov’t is bad” types like you. We know them as RUSHans.
You telling me only Libs act this way???? Buddy you better wake up and smell the jackass, it’s everywhere. I tried to stay closer to the middle where the air is cleaner.
Exactly. If everyone acted the way he did things would be a lot worse. The broad brush use of “bureaucrats” usually exposes one’s attitude that somehow the government is the enemy, when in fact the government consists of many people having to put up with self serving assholes. Don’t forget that our soldiers are…
Looks like your propaganda machine is fully charged here. SHOW ME PROOF THAT REGULATIONS CAUSED BANKRUPTCY.
Not to mention poor product development, and some horrible acquisitions. Where the HELL did anyone hear that the automakers went bust because of strict pollution regs? Can I guess FOX “News”?
Unfortunately there are many stooges in this country that will hail him as some kind of hero, and I’m surprised Florida georgia Line hasn’t already written a “song” already in the five minutes it must take them to write a song.