Ratchet when he's all hopped up on synthetic energon

This is also a lesson I’ve learned somewhat recently. I went from V8 Mustangs to an MR-S to a Mazdaspeed3. And lemmetellyouwha, driving an MR is a hell of a lot more like FWD than RWD when it comes to the inputs you give it and the way it responds to them. And you’re spot on with those cheat codes; do you know just

I have to give a big negatory on the Nismo Juke. That turbo engine is wound just a little too tight, and they’ve got pretty gnarly issues. Buddy bought one new and he’s about to get his *second* warrantied engine replacement. Yeah, they’re warrantying out the entire engine... AGAIN. Absolute blast to drive, but if you

Speaking for most of us under 40; what’s a “landline”?


I like the buttery silence of my Prius

A pilot friend of mine basically said something similar, that take-off is where there’s the biggest chance of an unrecoverable stall, especially while both climbing and banking.

It’s not takeoff that makes me anxious, it’s when they [damn near] cut the engines in preparation for decent. Full throttle makes sense to me. NOISE means POWER means THRUST means LIFT and we’re staying in the sky. No noise means glide means drop means OMGWE’REFALLING.

Flashing that wagon is just cruel.

I think Subaru is hard resting on its laurels right now.

I really, really want to like the Veloster. I love that it bucks the “every hatch must have four doors” BS we’re mired in these days. But... it just seems to have so many little hits against it. Power delivery is meh. Suspension is meh. The way the hatch is set up it can dump water on back seat occupants (or so I

Why the excitement over coil springs? I thought the transverse composite leaf setup was a lighter and better setup. Is the ability to more easily change spring rates really that important on a street car?

You don’t look for something specific, you fire up Craigslist and find whatever cheap POS fits your bill, has a current smog cert, and doesn’t smell too terrible on the inside. Then beat that hooptie ‘til the wheels fall off.

“This makes lane splitting very easy as well. I’ve allegedly done it a time or two.”

I always forget that California is the only state with remotely sane lane-splitting laws. It’s so weird to me that it’s not allowed anywhere else.

And then they wonder why everyone hates dealerships and wants them to die. I want to support a manufacturer making cool cars, not a legislated middle-man leech.

Relevant Oatmeal:

Per Douglas Adams, that’s the long dark teatime of the soul.

Yeah, I’m really surprised they’re on here, too. There’s plenty of great people, but there’s also a prevelance of entitled childishness. “NUH-UH, that car has poly bushings! It can’t be in this class!” “WHAT DO YOU MEAN I HIT A CONE?! NO I DIDN’T!”

3rd-gen Celica notch is peak ‘80s boxy-sexy, especially the GT-S with the P-type Supra flares. Just needs something a little less trucklike under the hood than a 22R-E. I wonder what one would be like with a BEAMS? That’d be my dream project if I had even a remote chance of making it street legal in CA.

What really blows me away is when he’s slowing down just how mind-numbingly slow 120 seems.

Or you can actually buy a Factory Five 818 coupe, have something that looks and perfoms similar, runs on known-good Subaru drivetrain components, and costs probably an eighth of what Saleen is wanting... assuming you’ll ever actually be able to buy the S1.

Except with an Evora you at least have a Toyota engine.