Ratchet when he's all hopped up on synthetic energon

Keep it, buy a cheap minivan to haul the kids in. You’ll appreciate having your car that kids don’t go in for some alone time every-so-often.

Might be flexible in one axis and rigid in the other.

That VIZIV is one liftback away from being perfect.

It’s not the horsepower equation that varies, it’s the correction factors for things like barometric pressure, altitude, humidity, etc, etc.

Aw man, it was chocolate mouse? I thought it was chocolate mousse, as in the soft pudding-like dessert and homonym for the antlered dick-bearing beast of our great northern friend country.

Neutral: Nope. Harley completely lost me when they axed Buell.

I’ve never been able to figure out how people get seriously good on a simulator like these without spending $$$$ on a fancy rig. When I drive my car, I can look around and I get the motion sensations of the chassis and the tactile sensations of the controls. Is the rear starting to slip a bit? I can feel that

Well, *I* dig it, but I’m a bit shy on cash...

“Patronizing” is already gendered. “Mansplaining” is just a term used to shut down conversations.

Why didn’t he just use the space between his ears?

And many don’t; it would be a fiesty political that might help break the hold the dealers have on those legislatures. “Sorry, citizens of backwater state, maybe if allowed us to sell it directly, you could have a sweet Type R without markup; talk to your reps :shrug: sorry-notsorry”

A, four doors means it’s not a coupe,

I had my share of risk-taking when I was younger, but I drove high exactly once and never again. I could handle myself with a few drinks, but high? No fucking way. That was the most unsafe I have EVER felt on the road. If anything had popped out in front of me I would have plowed through it and drug it a quarter mile

Is this test supposed to determine if I’m a replicant or a lesbian?

Well of course it’s not a prime one, the number one, by definition, can’t be prime.

ARGH! There’s NO SUCH THING AS AN ‘83 CELICA ALLTRAC. ‘83s were still the third-gen RWD ONLY platform. It wasn’t until ‘86 when the Supra split from the Celica that the Celica went FWD and AWD became an option.

Yeah, I’m gonna guess that’s just a plane-jane slushbox that’s been hussied up with an H-pattern shifter accessory like comes with the Logitech G25 wheel.

I’d be all about a true manual hybrid that turned off (or clutched) the gas motor at sub-stall speeds and fell back to the electric motor (kind of like the

A Fit Si is one of very few things that would get me walking onto a Honda lot.

In that case, just make the car a hotspot that I connect my phone to.