
since it seems everyone here is seeing a different link from what you posted, I’ll chime in:

protip: meunster instead of american cheese.

Gaming from 2016-2020:

VR Chat’s about to get really wild.

conjecture here, but likely their biggest roadblock is licensing, and that nintendo (historically) hates paying for any of it. For the needed drivers, hosting the different apps on their marketplace, etc.

I’m just sayin Arin Hansen does an incredible Sonic...

I didn’t even know this was a thing until right now...

Like... $BB and $AMC?

sorry, failing to see the hot dog analogy, but g’damn i want Jimmy John’s hot dog now.

Had 200 shares as part of an employee package back in 2012.

Yeah, it has some potential for growth over the next six months. They want to push it like gamestop. Without their influence, it’d make $25-35 by the end of summer on its own - if $BB actually pulls off everything they’re putting on the table.

So a bunch of idiots are moving the needle like it’s a pink sheet.  There are definitely worse things in the world.

I dunno, PS2 and the GBA had a brilliant release in ‘Prisoner of Azkaban.’ One being an open exploration of Hogwarts (not really explored again until ‘Order of the Phoenix’), and the GBA’s release being a charming knock off of ‘Golden Sun.’

I’ve spent £1.28 on a banana before....

Super interesting - will keep an eye on it. Thank you for letting me know!

I love you all. stay safe, have a box of kraft mac and cheese, don’t be afraid to laugh, don’t be ashamed for being angry, your feelings - your frustrations -are valid.

Sounds a lot like something my step-father told me about dating while I was growing up. “If in all their stories every ex was the crazy one, chances are the they are the the crazy ones.” Not directly casting aspersions, but it just seems absolutely wild that they’ve had this issue with another publisher.

Was watching my neighbor’s house while he and his wife visited their kids and grandkids in China earlier this year (flew in for a visit from 10/19-12/19, got locked down, then decided to make lemonade out of our lockdown and how that impacted flights. So, decided to tour the country while the U.S. was locked down,

Meant to mention this the other day, but I can’t wait to see the helluva used sale they’re gonna have on all these “defective” copies come next fall...

For those wondering what the path for this backup is: