
aha. had to update my adchoices settings. the problem with looking at news about The Orange One and his fuckery is they just scraped keywords. fun fun.

gettin’ reaaaaaaaaaaaaal fuckin’ tired of all the Trump ads popping up on The Root.  that is all.

i suddenly really miss Billy Hatcher...

Let’s take a moment to reflect on Troy Baker portraying a Himalayan/faux Napalese fascist in Far Cry 4.  He did so fantastically (this one was my favorite game in the franchise), but. Argument applies.

Cleaned my old PS4 out about two years ago. Had it since release. Dust wasn’t bad, as I blew it out regularly. It was still loud as a damn jet. Replaced the thermal paste with Arctic Silver. Was hella quieter after.

What’s funny is for a large portion of the U.S. population to be bandying ‘the rule of law,’ only for them to be upset when said rule of law is applied to them.

looking to upgrade my pc in the next month, and this is the perfect game to get for free as a direct result. Why?

looking to upgrade my pc in the next month, and this is the perfect game to get for free as a direct result. Why?

guess _you’re_ old as hell.

Dang. I can’t even lie to my wife about who ate the last of the Froot Loops properly. Tried pinning it on the ficus the other day.

Oh damn! saw this on the r/FuckYouKaren subreddit last week and thought this was older than all that. Fuckin’ hell...

‘course, i’m over here wishing the ‘you ‘bout to lose your job’ song was to theme of ‘do you hear the people sing’ from les mis, soooo...

In a world that is being dismantled all around me, I’ve taken joy in these kinds of feel-good adventure games. And Hardspace: Shipbreaker. i’m either interested in joyfully saving the world, or buggering off and doing some blue collar space work in my own corner of the galaxy.


I was raised in a bumpkin town of about 400, and made it well into my late twenties believing sex is the same as gender. I tried repeatedly to get more information from the trans people that would allow me to engage, but they constantly insisted it was my problem to figure out, not theirs.

if this hits the switch, i’m in. again.

I’ll have to buy all four for the full library?!

When you say “we,” please know that I want no part of that group.

Fahey, owner of magnificent mechanical keyboards and fantastic opinions. Only ever got to about level 30-ish with my characters in the n3DS release. Never touched this on the wii (or an emulator).

Additionally, the intent was to stop at 8 episodes.  As he’s hit that benchmark, would rather a mutated CBS iteration than nothing at all, i suppose.

all i know is, i finally found a use for all those Happy Home Designer amiibo cards - on ebay.