> Checks byline
> Checks byline
Did a mod like this for someone two years back (plus backlighting and bivert). $100, 3 hours of work, all for a working backlit DMG-01 with a clear shell. They supplied the system, I grabbed the replacement shell and boards for $30...
If you’re exploring Male Power Fantasy deconstructions, check out Mob Psycho 100 from the same author.
Mostly 1080p, but there are a few that I’ll sacrifice 60fps and go with 4K.
Finally got into FFXII now that it’s ( a ) portable on the Switch, and ( B ) has a turbo mode. Grinding like a gangster the past few days, putting 15+ hours of gameplay into maybe five.
They have more familiarity with the source material than most of the viewers Netflix is looking to captuer, you antagonistic biscuit.
> checks byline
They enabled bluetooth support ages ago. Wire it to your pc, launch big picture, settings, controller settings. Should give you an option to update the FW (citing this from memory, so likely missing a few steps). Let that do its thing, disconnect when it says, then set it up over BT! :)
Yeah, I’d pay money to rent this. And, like, $6 money, not redbox $1.
yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaasssssss to their trash map button schemes AND to trash maps.
THIS is the post that should exist for ‘playing high.’ Doesn’t matter the strain: it all keys me down from an eleven to a three. No fancy lights or crazy hallucinations. Feels like someone is just ever so slightly putting a finger down on the vinyl record that is my life, slowing it from the 45rpm that is my usual…
I do love all the icons and flavor text, but i’ve had to pull up the reddit forum on many an occasion to understand what each means. I’m sure that info’s in the game itself somewhere, but nested so deeply that i just buggered off and did the faster thing.
Good rules of thumb for buying on ebay:
I do video game repairs as a hobby since I only sleep about 3-5 hours a day. Something to keep me busy while everyone else’s is out cold. Had a gold cart Zelda come through, complete in box. Corrosion on the board, but I was able to solder around it. In the box, though, was one of the most beautifully hand drawn maps…
THIS. but let’s keep in mind that 69 is just railing on fuckin’ everyone and everything, now.
Bought a switch lite for the Lady. My lazy ass left my OG as a primary, and just told her to play the downloaded games under my account on that device (after disabling save syncs). So far, worked like a charm. Admittedly, we also have a half dozen games on carts that she can play while travelling (when we travel).
I’m sorry, WHAT?!