Why does it matter what color they are?
Why does it matter what color they are?
Basically, the people who got killed had nothing to do with anything, except being unfortunate enough to know one of the suspects.
Every time there's an article like this, I post about how stereotypes persist because they're true more often than not.
I don't acknowledge any TM game after TM2. You know, the last really good one.
2 games that also both come out after the Vita.
I think the only thing you really need to say about the PSP at this point is that it doesn't have Netflix on it. Why not?
Hidden Object games are the scourge of...games.
Because when RPGs got popular, more Americans started playing them. Americans are notoriously intolerant of other people's culture, which is hilarious when you think about it. Hence, hang out on Western-centered video game sites, and you will see a lot of hate towards other kinds of culture.
How well did FFX-2 do compared to FFX? Saying FF13-2 bombed is ridiculous. Of course it's not going to sell as well as a core FF title.
Correction, it's all shit.
No, I don't listen to any of it because that STYLE of music I just find to be annoying noise. Have to agree with you about dubstep, it's probably worse than rap/hip hop.
Do I really have to do this? It's not music because:
No, I'm sure he meant DARK SOULS, since no one wanted to even publish Demon's Souls in America, and ATLUS went out on a limb with it. Then after it got insanely popular and they announced Dark Souls, Namco Bandai was like 'yo I got this' and brought it out with shitty online support.
That would mean they'd need to stop making them first. Nothankyou.
Because it's the humble indie bundle. That's their thing. Only a true dick would pay 1 cent, but that's how it is.
It sounds to me like you only like 'realistic' racers.
Because even if Wheatley is original, the Joker is still a better character? I agree that Marcus Fenix and Drake shouldn't have even been nominated though.
I don't like hip hop because it's not music, but if they want to put it in the game, that's fine. I just hope you can block them from playing like any other good game that includes licensed music.
Booklet I can probably read online < in game content.
Man, ol Fat Bastard is apparently quite turned on by dealing with the President. Look at that face. Now imagine it saying OHHHH I CAN'T WAIT TO EAT A BABEH