

This guy is ridiculous.


Yes! If we can get a couple of their guys in foul trouble early, I think we'll be fine.

Sadly, no. I had Duke losing in the Elite Eight.



Well, I have no chance at having a perfect bracket now.

King of the Hill

I'm in.

Most of the games are on Youtube. And since I couldn't find the game from Tyler and Danny's freshman season, I'm watching the '05 March game instead.

For some reason, I can find every game but that one.

What film should I watch tonight?

A-. Probably my favorite episode of the season so far.

Pam from Archer?

18,347 registered voters, 1,298th most common name

I love Marcus Paige so much!

Currently I'm watching Bob's Burgers, TGW, Girls, Looking, Archer, Teen Wolf, Trophy Wife, Suburgatory, Broad City, Scandal, Arrow and Parenthood. There are other shows I'm caught up on, but I don't remember them right now.