
My Phone... but my g/f seems to really like the ihome... which I really like because for some reason it wakes her up but not me and she needs to get up at least 30 minutes earlier to do girl-y type stuff in the morning where as I can sleep in.

I always buy AUX cables for my car jack to ipod from dollar stores usually they don't cost more then 1 or 2 dollars for each cable compared to the 15 bucks that Best Buy or any other major electronic store sell them for. I find even if I get 1 dud usually I will buy three or four of them at a time and they all work

Also in Canada all fees or expiry dates on gift cards are illegal. They got thrown out a few years ago. If a company refuses to honor the gift card then they must reimburse you fully (usually they will just honor the card though)

Actually it was totally bricked... Samsung and all those companies do have an ability to restore a completely bricked, but it's $$$ and usually cheaper just to buy a new phone. Because he is a third party dealer and he knows people, he uses their method & thier software to unbrick it. I'm sure he we get in serious

I know that my friend is a manager of a 3rd party cellphone store and he will unbrick any phone I think for 30.00 bucks. I can't really remember the exact cost. When I bricked my android, he did it for me for free, but I think he charges 30.00 for people he doesn't know. Anyways good little tip, try Google or or

While most people will say pulse, google reader or Greader, i'm going with buzz here are my three reasons, first it's free... to get the full features of Greader you need to put down some of your hard earned coin, Two it has a widget Google reader doesn't have a widget, three it isn't limited to how many rss

Tried it in VMWare Fusion defintely see how its the future, but I also think the future isn't here yet, so yeah don't think I am going to switch quite yet

I used Chromium on my OS X 10.6.2 machine with VMWare Fusion I found it to be slow and uninspiring, I think the whole web based operating system will have to wait a few years in development before becoming the thing that all computers will use

I loaded OS Chromium with VMWare Fusion and I found that it was slow and sluggish, I think it definitely will be the future but a whole lot of improvements need to happen first.