
For all the dead ppl

As a guy, I want to thank you for this article. I've never dealt with the kind of silencing and shaming that these women dealt with as a result of their decision to come forward. I probably never will. But having that process explained in all its particulars is enlightening and appalling. Reading about the lawyer who

You know what, my wusband totally wanted to elope, and I was all "no no, our parents and family bla bla" but, two weeks before that damn wedding, I really wished we HAD eloped. However, the wedding day and the party actually were really lovely, I don't regret doing it, and I bet you're going to have an amazing time.

I know someone who DID step off the train. Two weeks before the wedding date, she broke up with her fiancee. They spent the rest of the day phoning family members and friends to tell them the wedding was off. They returned all the wedding gifts. And this is rich: her parents, who were quite wealthy, said they

Hey. Unpopular opinion here. but I understand where you are coming from. My friend got married and divorced within a year. I was a bridesmaid, so I felt like I knew what was up, right? I was hurt, felt like she had lied to me and betrayed my trust. It took a long time for me to process. But I wasn't in that

I have a friend that is rounding the corner on almost a year of her divorce-iversary... He left her on fucking valentines day like the scumbag asshole he is. I try to be supportive, when I can, but she hopped from that failing marriage to a completely improbably rebound relationship that has consumed all of her time,

Is there not value in their objective perspective?

Re #3: You're right. My marriage failed because my partner stopped putting in the effort. A week after our wedding, he told me that he only married me so I would support him and he'd never have to work again. He refused to attend marriage counseling. He refused to help with bills or housework. According to him, our

You can go ahead and file that under "Things you shouldn't say to a recent divorcee"...but, from personal experience (divorced after a year and change, and witness to many good friends' failed marriages), I can tell you that some people wait until they are married to reveal their true's as if once they are

Many times, a fatal flaw doesn't reveal itself (or *cough* himself) until after the wedding is over, but it starts to itself almost just after the wedding is over. And there is an old saying about cutting one's losses, which applies to all aspects of life: "As soon as you notice you're in a hole, stop digging."

I was married at 22, divorced by 24 (I wrote 25 in another reply, sorry it was right around my birthday) and I will be remarried at 28. And oh my lord, I am getting some reallll awkward comments from people, and so much side-eye. But it's not the people that really know me.

Divorce was the literal best thing my parents ever did for my siblings and I. Just like abortion, I think divorce is a decision that is really thought about and honestly, every time the writing has been on the wall, I have never been surprised, yet the shit I hear people say like you mentioned above is astonishing.

It's astonishing how judgmental people become when they hear you're getting divorced: You didn't try hard enough; you should have gone to a different marriage counselor; this is just a rough patch; how can you give up so easily?; those vows must not have meant anything to you! ... As if the splitting parties aren't

Okay, I might just be young and naive here, but one of my good friends recently went through this (married at 23, divorced at 25). I found that there is only one appropriate thing to say, which is "I'm here to support you. Let me know whenever you need me." And what followed were a lot of nights around a bottle of

I think we have evidence of that already. It was done from about 800BC through 400AD and gave us what we call the Bible.

I would be very interested to see what a crowd-sourced bible would look like.

Ya because the bible is so much more credible than Wikipedia

The thing that comes through loudest here is the complete lack of understanding of sex and consent among the teens at Norman High. That is too often the subtext to a lot of these terrible rape stories. We have a general population with a very shaky notion of what real consent is. It makes you wonder where that

I was with you until your last paragraph, which was shit. The only cause of rape is rapists. End of.