
I believe they're called the Oneders.

It'd be more fun to make someone play Alberquerque.

Already been suggested. Might wanna look for it, and add your support to the more popular one.

Only if it starts as this, and then turns into "Never Gonna Give You Up".

I love that jam!

Toad the Wet Sprocket - Good Intentions

Wait…this is a "challenge"? As in, something that is hard to do? In this era of easy to complete video games?

I'm wondering why you backed Wasteland 3.

I don't know what you're trying to imply with the last part of your comment there.

It's an, "I don't know, but this piece of information could lead me to making a better guess, maybe."

That's a pretty deep cut.

Out of curiosity…

Which was one more movie than Firefly deserved.

Eh, nevermind them. Here's the Sex Pistols!

Just think about how much shittier this article would look in print, and then you'll have an idea of what the last 4 or 5 generations had to go through.

Whatever happened to the first hit's free?! I THOUGHT THIS WAS ESTABLISHED POLICY!

Will the mismatched buddy cop duo of Dawes and Hormel "E.T" Bacon save the youth center?

"Wait, my TV doesn't work!
I cut the cable. No more bills!

Been done. It was done terribly, but, still, it was done.

Are you trying to play like…YOU KNOW ME?