
They're not going to get their deposit back after that rager…

The Raiders have the better defense and the more reliable kicker. I think I like the Raiders over the Texans in the "Please God, Make It Stop" Bowl.

Well, the ending aside from the Fernet is pretty ridiculous, but then it one-ups that bit by having Alfred pretend to enjoy drinking a shot of Fernet in Paris.

Yeah, they have sacks of milk, but apparently you can put those sacks in dispensers.

There's 5 of them in the first fucking paragraph. This is the fucking worst clickbait ever.

Would you have sex with a contestant, though?

I used to do this all the time in high school and college. But, I'd mix it with a spoon.

The tap?

Nutritionists are stupid, if they're claiming you shouldn't drink anything other than water.

So, the gym in my apartment complex has two big TVs, and individual TVs for each cardio exercise machine. All the remotes look the exact fucking same. The big TV remotes have a holder for them mounted on the wall.

Does he give them a worse name than you do?

I don't understand where this whole height-ism thing comes from, anyway. It's all just superficial bullshit.

That's because there was a corporation-wide bankruptcy/restructuring. They closed pretty much all but the best newly opened stores.

I haven't eaten at a Church's in probably 2 decades, but I remember being super pissed off anytime someone said they were going to bring chicken to a party, and they showed up with Church's.

Their chicken's actually pretty high up on my list of fast-food fried chicken. (Wing shops don't count, they only serve wings.)

It's not that, it's that Krispy Kreme isn't a very versatile donut. When you want a donut that has a super high sugar to cake ratio, but it too insubstantial to eat with coffee, and you feel like eating 6 of them, you make a Kripy Kreme run.

It's weird how it's not just the Jollibee that travels, it's the whole fucking Seafood City.

It's Duterte.

I still don't understand why that would make him cry? Was it that he felt so used doing something nice for a Black girl, and they treated him so "poorly"?

It also says they mocked his name for 5 minutes, which, I mean, maybe you should be getting people their fried chicken. (I'm guessing this is an exaggeration. Like, there's maybe 10 Bo-Bo disses you can come up with.)