
I dunno. How are they gonna get all the blackface off by the end of the commercial break?

I've been trying to figure this out. Is Deadpool's fanbase larger outside of the comics, and hence, maybe he's not a good tie-in for the bro-culture of Carl's Jr. Or is he popular on the internet because he was popular in comics?

Pulled a Tarantino, eh? Shut a butt down?

When they respond with something they like to do for fun, you then quickly reply that it sounds nice, but they should really be doing YOU, as that would be much more fun than whatever other thing they mentioned.

Prognosis: Dowdful.

No. Because I'd take him over toenail fungus.

That's why they used that song. "Ken LEEEEEEEEEE"

You discuss the Madam Secretary commercial, but not the one for the Good Wife, where she has a shocking revelation she's been holding from us for the last 7 years?

It's not the casting that I mind, it's that I think they overpaid for him.


Movies and TV don't inflict long-term psychological scars on me. Not like dreams do. People getting teeth plucked out. Bah. Tom Hanks knocking his own tooth out with an ice skate, psh.

So, Deadpool… Honest question. How many people know of him through specifically reading his comic books, versus just knowing the guy because he pops up in everything?

I think it makes perfect narrative sense. He realizes that he's gonna get found in there, and that split second is him about to launch into the typical, "Yeah, you caught me, funny story…" bit, but he never gets the chance.

It's the way he's like, "Sup?" literally the split second before he's murdered.

It was a fun way to bring the season back, but yeah, it was a little flat. B- is about what I'd give it.

All I learned from this is that Avril Lavigne wrote a song called Dolphins.

But was he skiing…ON ONE SKI?!

Oh man, I remember referencing this to a sports-loving co-worker about a decade ago, and them just going, "Huh?"

"They call killing dudes Clippers and since Sunny is the main one, he’s
called the Regent (or Chris Paul depending on where you live)."

This is a useful and insightful response.