
10. You've done something amazing in front of millions of people. What is your go-to celebration move?

9. Where's one place you'd like to visit that you haven't gotten around to yet?

8. What’s the song that you feel best defines your life?

7. Who is your favorite athlete of all time?

6. Assume they make Wheaties boxes for celebrities. What are you doing on your box?

5. Who would be your pop-culture nemesis?

4. What party game/board game are you secretly amazing at?

3. What time period would you like to go back to, and why? (HAHA, Fuck you, Clark Duke!)

2. What's the one piece of pop culture you think doesn't get enough respect?

I think you should ask each of the winners the 11 questions that win, and collate them all. I SHOULD WIN FOR THAT IDEA ALONE!

Oh, so Drew Fortune is completely dead to me now. Good to know. One fewer person to read on the site.

There was an old sketch from the Chris Rock Show called "The Chiefs of Comedy". He got a bunch of Native American comedians and the entire set consisted of jokes with the formula, "When a Cherokee comes over for dinner, he does X. When a White person comes over for dinner, HE STEALS YOUR FUCKING LAND."

I really like Celebration. Not a fan of Darlings of Lumberland, though the instrumental part of the song is really good.

Get the bullion!
Deposit certs, y'alllllll!

Chingmy Yau.

Ugh. This is stupid. They already had an arc when Northstar came out as gay about how the one guy he longed for would never notice him…and that guy WAS ICEMAN, who in the panel where he's not noticing Northstar, is putting the moves on multiple women.