Rett Syndrome Dad

Same here, I see a moving cable at the beginning but can't tell if it's haning loose or not. Don't see anything caught up in the rotor and agree that it looks like it broke at the tail and that caused the crash.

Well, they aren't made to look pretty.

I wondered why the Disney channel made mention of this during my kids morning cartoons today. At 6:30am this morning they were actually warning the kiddos that there was going to be a test today. Geez Louise!

So, my Samsung Galaxy S Captivate is a piece of junk too but I paid top dollar for it when it came out. Even the two local ATT stores refer to it as the "Craptivate".

And look at the branches on that bush. Each one going this way and that! It's madness I tell ya!

yes, those underwear retailers will need to make sure everything is proportionate.

they're coming to take me away ha ha!

Can anyone vouch for the quality of Sprint in the Houston area? It's been years since I used them and dropped them right around the Nextel merger. Wondering if their network performance/coverage has improved any.

You can see from looking through the windows that this is a ferry type boat. And it never capsized. Not in the video anyway.


They just over achieve. Shame that the headline makes it sound like a bad thing. As far as I know the iphones have performed fine with the RAM Apple has bestowed upon them, and I can't recall reading an inordinate number of posts regarding any lack thereof.


His right eye (left, for the flunkies out there) looks like the eye on a dormant Sentinel Prime.


iwonder if the rumored Apple television set will require a 30-pin coax adapter. :-)

Love how you worked "chewiness" into a Star Wars themed paragraph.

..."Which sent the internet into a frenzy!"...

I bow to you sir. King for a year I say!

Um..shouldn't that be CBS and not Fox News. Or am I missing something?
