Rett Syndrome Dad

Nice reference to Dr. Temple Grandin there, she certainly is the pioneer in this area. The recent movie/documentary about her life was nicely done in my opinion. Truly a remarkable lady.

@daPrinz: I'm still waiting for the big quake that sends CA sliding into the ocean like they told us in Elementary school. I'm okay with 49.

That had to cost a fortune.

@Audaxero: In that case why not just play Worms???

@Basil Khan: I've got it on both my iTouch and my Android phone. I have to say that I prefer the Android version. It helps that my Galaxy S phone has a beautiful screen.

@gstar: I would agree.

@JakeMG: Internal Combustion Boogaloo: and power outlets are usually scarce in cubes as well. I think it's pretty neat. I've got an iTouch and have always considered the sound quality of the external speaker to be quite poor. I wonder if this makes it any better or just bad at a higher volume.

You are all forgetting the real meaning of black Friday. You, don't save that much money, but it gets the women folk out of the house so you get first dibs on the Thanksgiving leftovers and PIE.

@danuuc: Good thing we weren't planning on eating it then isn't it.

@DustyButt: hhhmm...concrete bacteria locked in amber. Wonder where he'll build that theme park?

@jpresson1: I thought all Gizmodo readers had inside connections at Foxconn! I mean we've already got pics and excerpts from the "Wired" write-up. It's like they're part of the family now.

@CaffineFreakUs: Amen and win! Windows installs are saved for rainy afternoons when I'm not in the middle of a good book.

@Heilage: Yeah, but after a few hours of looking out at the cosmos I'd probably be saying; "Okay, what's next."

I was hoping this would get posted here today. Read earlier on Yahoo! news. Best part of the day was reading this first thing at work today and then coming home for lunch to find the AT&T Yellow Pages for Houston lying on my doorstep! I know they were referring to the white pages being phased out first but

Just put some J-B Weld on there and call it good.

Just put a little J-B Weld on there and call it good.

Nah, I'd rather just blame the Chi-coms.