
And you think that too much immigration is the reason for hardly any wage growth despite the massive productivity gains?  And you know, not that the wealthiest have basically hoarded those productivity gains?  If real wages have barely grown, productivity has increased, and income inequality has increased massively

Well she's about to have a Bizarre Adventure.

Steelers fans like him again now

Literally no one is forcing you to be a landlord, so...yeah, sell it off to someone who actually needs it.

It’s still baffling how people have not accepted the ideological settling along party lines. The Republicans are lock step party line politicians. You cannot craft a deal with enough reps to get anything progressive passed. We knew this in 2010 when they refused to work with Obama on anything that could be described

I’m tired of would-be heroes letting us down.

But Bustos still isn’t ready to disavow anti-choice Democrats. She said in her statement that she still believes in “our big tent Democratic caucus” and warned progressives that “every dollar spent trying to defeat one of our Democratic incumbents is a dollar that we cannot spend defeating Republicans.”

I get that it’s more aesthetically pleasing, but think of how much of pan space you’re wasting that could be filled up with MOAR potstickers?

Dunking on the poor to help the fabled “middle class?”

If you had to pick one or the other, only a complete idiot would pick the dish-washer.  It’s not even fucking close, for Christ’s sake.


“Getting someone elses’s active income”

Fuck the troops and fuck the people who glorify them in any way.

Because Cuban hardliners who vote love this shit.

I don’t understand the Kamal Harris love. She spent 13 years feeding people to the prison system and covering up the corruption and misdeeds of her own office, and the cops who worked for it and all it takes is some bullshit talk about reparations and everyone gets in line? Come one black people, this is the same

It’s wild to me that folks consistently pretend that democrats don’t need the left vote to win. That the tactic seems to be over and over to tell leftists that they’re not interested in compromising on left desires but instead leftists need to vote democrat or else demonstrates how little these folks think of what is

They’d rather lose to Trump than have Bernie win. These people are fucking ghouls, who care more about their money than the welfare of their country.

Now playing

gosh, yeah, a seven-footer in the WNBA...........can’t imagine what that would be like...........

We can’t ignore it anymore.  They are fucking corrupt.   They need to be removed from office.   They are the enemy of the people just like Republicans.  

Democrats would rather lose elections than move to the left.    Anyone saying leftist voters should support Centrists can fuck off since they are doing stuff like this.