Ali S

I know that this is a very minor gripe, but I wish that they'd speak with their normal accents instead (a standard Midwestern accent will sound just about fine in Minnesota). The acting throughout this series has been nothing but top-of-the-range, but once in a while the accent kind of fumbles and it takes away from

Thanks for reminding me, Better Call Saul season 2 starts in February. Between that, Fargo and Modern Family - I'm all set. What a great time to be watching TV - not too long ago, I had given up on TV serials until I discovered Breaking Bad.

I'd be surprised if he makes it past the next episode (especially with Peggy electrocuting him to death and being her 'best self-actualized self'). He's not just an unlikable asshole he's a fairly stupid unlikable asshole (starting bare shit with cops and not listening to any reason) to have made it this far.

Plemons' detached, expressionless face while putting murdered people through a grinder instantly evokes memories of Todd from Breaking Bad (whom Jesse so aptly described as an "opie, dead-eyed piece of shit") - which is unfortunate, because Plemons' character here is someone you could actually feel sorry for (and he

Same here. A friend recommended it to me to fill my craving for good, dark dramas after I finished binge-watching Breaking Bad. I think that for someone who doesn't have a lot of patience, Fargo is a lot better than BB in many ways - every story is wrapped up neatly in 10 hour-long episodes and the pacing is