
I heard most of this earlier on NPR and my favorite part was that the commentator talking to the host was nearly giddy as he mentioned that it appeared as though Trump was live tweeting the speech until Clinton commented again about his angry tweets “and that he’s probably writing a few right now”, and then the tweets

Brilliant. Clinton is so much better than she’s given credit for. She’s intelligent, thoughtful, and experienced. She’s made mistakes, but so have we all. Plus, she’s learned from them, which unfortunately cannot be said for Trump.

Considering Jane thinks gorillas shouldn’t be in zoos at all, I can understand the “whatever” part. At least it isn’t facing life in prison for the crime of being a gorilla any longer.

I’m so tired of this story in every single way.

Someone correct me if I’m wrong, but he was already convicted, wasn’t he? Or he pled guilty, which amounts to the same thing? Either way, I can’t think of a reason she would have to testify again. I would imagine he would have to serve the original sentence, plus whatever else for running. Should we ever be lucky

I will never not post this quote.

I really hope they can extradite and convict him without Samantha Geimer having to take the stand at any point. She has had to relive this over and over for years already thanks to the press and she doesn’t deserve a minute of it.

Really, there is little I can think of that would be more satisfying than for Polanski to finally be extradited and serve his time.

Polanski was found guilty in a trial and the government has tried multiple times to extradite him. He's effectively banned from the US unless he wants to go to prison. I'm not sure what more people expect to be done to him.

Bill Cosby got the benefit of the doubt for a very long time, after many, many accusations. He’s not really the best example.

“Hillary Clinton (who is imperfect and corruptible but an competent and experienced center-left public servant)...”

On the other hand, by putting this out there, anyone who is willing to name names knows that this guy will likely back them up, and it goes from there. I really hope this is the start of a conversation, not a single standalone statement.

This is because women won’t date “nice guys.” The only reason you can’t get a date, and women seem to act like you are creepy, is that you are a nice guy. Women always treat nice guys poorly. Get angry the next time a girl doesn’t act thrilled by your massively entitled, slightly stalkerish attention and call her a

Going with my awe inspiring gut, I’d bet men are more likely to engage in downvoting shit they don’t like because they’re more likely to believe that the world should care what their opinion is.

[awkwardly raises hand]

I once had a conversation with a guy who was incredibly angry and offended that I liked the show, Girls. He went on and on about how awful it was, how puerile, how infantile, how idiotic these girls were, how selfish, and what bad acting the show produced. He couldn’t figure out why anyone would ever watch that show.

I have no idea what Tom’s own orientation is, but I don’t think he’s trying to do drag here.

It’s funny, they claim that slutty sluts use abortion “as a form of birth control”, i.e., repeatedly, but that you also are infertile after an abortion. hmmm….sounds like both of those are lies!

Depending on one’s perspective, it’s also possible to view it as “Wouldn’t have been born.” Not everyone believes life begins at conception. For instance, I’ve miscarried twice (10 and 11 weeks). I do not consider either scenario as a dead child. Some women might.

Wondering now if she has a burner account. Probably has the best posts.