
Amy? Where's your salad? I know that smile. That's definitely eating a salad smile.

Amy Adams is quickly becoming one of my favorites. I recently saw her in "Sunshine Cleaning". It was a movie I had never heard of before but had her and Emily Blunt as sisters. They were both really good but Amy Adams was amazing at conveying sadness and disappointment combined with a will to fight in her character

If I ever met Claire Danes in person I'm sure I would be compelled to just hug her out of concern because her Carrie Mathison (Homeland) might be the most tormented person I've ever seen on TV.

YES! So glad to read this!! I'm a big fan of them both, and it's so great to know that Danes is an outspoken feminist, opposed to other artists that have slammed feminism (i.e. Kelly Clarkson, whose songs I don't listen to anymore, btw), and they acknowledge women's issues in Hollywood.

Right, so what you are saying is, regardless of whether a vegan tries to tell you your decisions are right or wrong, they are by definition "self-righteous" because they made an ethical decision they thought was right? And that if they don't want to be intolerable, regardless again of whether they try to impose

Agreed! Not all of us support or even like PETA. You do not need to be a PETA supporter in order to care about animal welfare and humane treatment of animals. I really hate that any mention of PETA of this site turns into an orgy of making fun of vegans and jokes about how you're going to eat a bacon cheeseburger just

Which also gets to a very important point that breaks down your analogy: women are humans, animals are...not. It's unfortunate, but that's the situation. As much as we love animals, they are not human beings,

Touche. I never throw it in someone's face unless it gets thrown into mine first, but you're right: I'm in the group that doesn't get that much of the flak to begin with, so there's really no point in me doing that, regardless of who initiates it. I will state for the record, however, that in terms of vegan vs.

Yeah, it makes sense and I agree with you. I knew my analogy wasn't perfect but my point was that those comments are not true and they're not hurting pigs' feelings anyway, they're just mocking people who do fight for those pigs while ignoring a horrible organization that doesn't even promote veganism and that

I was a 38DDD and still preferred push up bras. >.> I find them more comfortable to wear. I've since lost weight and push up bras make mine look less like flat pancakes being mashed into a round shape, so they're still more awesome.

Yes. This. All of this!

The first two that come to mind:

Food Empowerment Project - "Food Empowerment Project seeks to create a more just and sustainable world by recognizing the power of one’s food choices. We encourage healthy food choices that reflect a more compassionate society by spotlighting the abuse of animals on farms, the depletion

Come on, PETA is horrible, but that is bullshit. Those comments are the equivalent of replying to a Femen campaign with "That makes me want to start abusing women LOL." People won't be more sexist because of Femen, but use those kind of comments to mock all kinds feminists, including the majority of them who do not

Hooray for intelligent comment! Laura Beck is a Jezebel contributor and she usually posts stuff in support of compassion to animals (including "food" animals). If you know PETA, you know they don't honestly believe what they're saying, they are just using this media hype to be in the spotlight and talk about animals.

It continues to blow my mind that a website dedicated to feminism consistently engages in anti anti-animal cruelty rhetoric. I'm a vegan. And I do not support the crazy shit that PETA does. But there are many many many many many paralells between systemic violence against women and systemic violence against animals-

Thank goodness! Because now SeaAnemone thinks I'm some trolling dude and I'm an indie chick that wears funky dresses! My posting history can attest to this! Oh, the power of a little comma. I get so rushed on my smartphone and always end up doing crap like that.

Hey Violet, I just want to say I'm sorry if I gave the impression I was talking about other people's boobs or something. I was talking about mine and how I've been having a bitch of a time lately finding bras for myself that aren't pushup and padded. I guess since I forgot the comma it looks creepy because someone

Wait, what? I don't want my boobs being any bigger. As Violet said, it's really hard to find bigger bras without all of that pushup crap. I just want a regular ass bra for my boobs, but I have DDs and I have a really hard time finding it. I usually buy sports bras instead because of this. I don't get why you're mad at

If I were to write an article on 15 years of being an AA to a B, it would consist of a single sentence: