
I disagree with the title of this story.

#correction You mean Florida, right?

Hey they went to Potterbarn and spent too much on a light too...shoulda just got a backlit keyboard....

This looks boring as shit. Then again I like color in my life. And I don't just buy the latest and "greatest" from the same label.

Well said. Its amazing how even when Apple releases pure crap, people flock to buy it. I'll stick with android with a working navigation and map system. Cheers!

"Well, to put it to the test, see if you can stare at this thing for five minutes and "appreciate the craftsmanship" involved in the build. If you pass that test, you can love any car."

Nice price.

Full on Internet addiction, congrats!


Looks like the logo is missing parts...

Nice pics! Thank you for sharing.

Saving lives...taking lives...that's the same right?

So that's whats going on when Steve McQueen shifts in BULLIT?

Because it has the 3 D's: deathly, dangerous and destructive. All fun, until someone gets hurt or worse, dies.

My current automotive curiosity is how bad ass its going to feel when I get my Mustang on the road and I stamp my foot on the gas pedal for the first time....


Is there a track that the cars have something in the grove holding them on? Seemed really slow.

I've had good success with the drain pans I get at O'Rielley's.

Best answer yet.

Ah the commenters on Jalopnik.