
Good to see that even super car owners like to get out and see what their cars can do. I'd opt for the helmet for those 186MPH runs though.

The only place for it to go, not eBay.

Glad I wasn't the only one

Sad that it wasn't given a proper burial, on US soil....

Woah, did you see that Prius totally just change lanes in front of the Ferrari in Wipe Out?

BBS wheels, nice. BBS wheels on a Ferrari, even nicer!

What about soaking into the surrounding stone

How much liquid could the slots hold? Probably used for draining human blood.

But if you don't have an Apple product, then why even have this cable. It'd be good for those that have them as well as other devices. All of my devices use micro USB so I only need one cable to rule them all....cell phone, external hard drive, mouse....

By now we should have imaging hardware that doesn't show the planet from the previous day on today's video...

Should read: "The Only USB Cable You’ll Ever Need If You Have Apple Products"

You mean Former FAA chief arrested for DUI

How many Corvettes have to be mangled before people learn that showing off/street racing is not good?

You can probably bet its already happening.

They are borderline ugly. I think they are just over done.


I had a SSGT that had one of these in red and I thought it was the badest ass looking car on the road at the time.


Crack pipe

This is my desktop wallpaper rotation as well as others from the Hot Rod archives.