
Counterpoint: Charlie's Uncle losing his giant fake hands and scurrying after them, screaming "DON'T LOOK!!! DON'T LOOK!!!" in a high-pitched voice makes it one of the best episodes ever.

Thanks for your response, I guess.

he might start fricking WW3, and that's a scary thought.

Know I'm gonna regret this (nothing personal, it's just I always end up regretting it), but it's kind of worse right fucking now.

Hodgy sounds dodgy? Don't be so stodgy!

I think you meant to say write supremacists.

All right, later dudes. S you in your A’s, don’t wear a C, and J all over your B’s.

It truly was a Shawshank Redemption. [nods sagely]

Why, blow it up, of course!

Heh, probably give it to some hack like J.J. Abrams.

It's possible but highly unlikely that Arnold faked his suicide with a host replica.

Well, those giant windows would make defense a real problem, so maybe that was the concern…?

Blergh, I need to finish RDR. Started it ages ago and just never finished it (same with Max Payne 3: really, guys, just the MOST Payne). I think I got distracted by the multiplayer, and then the game gradually became RDR: this is a seriously IMPORTANT game, you guys, and I just kinda "eh'd" away from it.

Ha, it was decidedly not! I can neither confirm nor deny that alcohol may have contributed to my inadvertent spoonerism.

It's a bitch, ain't it? More fest-quetchy than a lot of other recent-ish games I've played…*

Hell yeah - that and "Continuous Thunder" make one of the best one-two punch album closers I've heard in awhile.

Yes, with small caveats.

Somebody up above said the MiB seemed bored had given up the pretense of roleplaying this ep, but I read it completely different - I read it as him being interested in the game for the first time in a long time. So far, he acts like he just doesn't have time to deal with all the other NPC's, so he just shoots them or

"What's a yellow tango?"