
"[laughably awful, pandering, yet somehow viable candidate]"

Looks hilarious.

Who's better-looking, Hillary or Bernie?


Doc Shaner is great!

"The Is Acting"?

Sounds like Mike D'Angelo wanted to Rage Quit.

so problematic

"Sure, it rocks, but Mustaine is mean to Muslims and it hurts my feelings. D"

It's not a bad haircut. It's just off the rack.

I found it baffling and overlong, but the "WORST MOVIE EVER" stuff is overblown. If nothing else, it's worth it just to watch Gosling start a fight and get utterly demolished.

The guys who were there say they were ordered to stand down, but they're just lying for the Koch brothers.

Obama's gaffes, mistakes, and policy failures don't count because he's so dreamy.

Yes, really.

Considering how many marine animals communicate using echolocation, it's important for their queen to be Heard.

Former Al Jazeera America employees have also complained about sexism and anti-Semitism in the workplace. Just like Fox News, amirite? High-five!

After 8 years of nuzzling and licking Obama's.

Depression Quest lives up to its name.