CompTroller of the Currency

We are sad clowns, we trolls.  Laughing on the outside, crying on the inside.

If I had built a great brand like TomatoFace I wouldn’t let a shit troll like Baracka hijack it.

Are you sure that wasn’t a troll trying to get you to break character?

TomatoFace absolutely is a collective at this point. One thing I’ve figured out from trolling Kinja is that if your work is widely perceived to be part of the TomatoFace canon, it effectively is. Perception becomes reality. The lazy jaded staff trolls evince little interest in curating the TomatoFace brand, so it

The spam trolls like Baracka are the problem. They’re a suffocating presence. None of them know how to trigger readers with just one post. They’re incompetent trolls and boring as hell.

The staff trolls have gotten lazy. If you write a post that gets mistaken for TomatoFace by old-timers and generates lots of comments and likes, one of the staffers will often ungrey the post and comment “who ungreyed this shit?” or some other winking acknowledgment. That felt like satisfying validation for a while,

Frank Pollan’s trolling has no teeth. It’s safe as milk. I don’t see how anyone could get triggered by his work. It’s also long-winded. I hope the guy either re-tools the character or abandons it.  It’s bad trolling.

I agree 100%. Baracka and the other spam-trolls are tedious pests who suffocate discussion with their spamming. It makes everyone miserable, even other trolls like me.  That shit ought to be a bannable offense.

You’re one of those who sees TomatoFace everywhere. JujyMonkey is bad about that too. The Tomato writing style is easy to fake, and Baracka is not even close. He’s a whole different thing, a very bad thing. He’s a troll’s troll. An embarrassment.

I highly doubt Baracka is TomatoFace. His childish repetitive hyperactivity is not Tomato-like. Also, that “TomatoFace, Shut Up” account, which is obviously run by the same person, is ridiculously juvenile. I wish Baracka would get greyed. I enjoy trolling Kinja, and Baracka gives trolls a bad name.

There ought to be a comment limit for trolls for each article. It’s maddening to watch one troll spam out a bazillion comments on one article. I’m a troll myself and I know when it’s time to move on to a different part of the site and troll there.

I am in full accord with your sentiment. The sheer volume of the Baracka account’s output is disrespectful to everybody, including other trolls. I’m a troll myself and I decided to create this burner to preach moderation and restraint in trolling. I hate watching one account suck all the oxygen out of the room.