LU is the only wrestling show I still watch. I thought they were going to start touring soon-ish…?
LU is the only wrestling show I still watch. I thought they were going to start touring soon-ish…?
How about Aggretusko? That's in there too.
I'm confused. Pick a spelling for the character's name and stick with it.
They consistently call it "Queensie," which mean I didn't know it was Quincy.
Yeah, but he's been down too long in the midnight sea.
They did consistently say that Trump had a shot, and gave him a 1 in 3 shortly before the election, which is more than a lot of other sites did, but… yeah.
All you really need to know (at least at first) is that spice production = money and power. Not that crazy.
Korean airline crews have a reputation of being ill-trained, and more importantly, having a tendency to freeze up in crisis situations, as well as being reluctant to question their superiors even when they're making potentially catastrophic decisions. Whether that's deserved or not, I have no idea, but this story…
She's a pretty good heel, and she trolls the audience well most of the time. Even when she fucks up she recovers quickly.
Get your ass to Mars.
MmahHAAH the frensshhhampagne
Adopted wife.
Kylo Ren is by far the most interesting character (and strongest performance) outside of the original trilogy.
I figured that Lucas liked it because of the off-putting CG actors.
It irritated me at the time, but now that you mention it, it's kind of funny in a trolling way.
Something was definitely off about the costume at the beginning; I was really distracted by something around the neck area but couldn't figure it out.
He can make jokes. Puns are like jokes that automatically suck, so they're hardly even jokes.
It's still "die" in the US.
Yep. He doesn't have to look or sound exactly the same; as long as he gets the character down. See: Karl Urban as Dr McCoy in the Star Trek reboot movies, though maybe with a stronger resemblance to Cushing if you can get it.
Vader's pun made me (and at least a couple other people in the theater) groan audibly. There was also something off about this appearance; the helmet was subtly different in some way that I found incredibly distracting. His appearance at the end of the film, though, worked very well.