resting abyssface

Broken Matt Hardy is fucking hilarious. I loved the bit where he made his wife wheel him to the ring in a wheelchair.

Watched Team Foxcatcher and I Am Thor on Netflix.

- Mavis Staples

I miss Metal Box, but hey, what can you do?

A History of Violence is the best feature on the site.

Tasha, Tasha, Tasha, Tasha Khan
Tasha Khan, Tasha Khan, Tasha Khan
Tasha Khan, let me rock you
Let me rock you, Tasha Khan
Let me rock you, that's all I wanna do
Tasha Khan, let me rock you
Let me rock you, Tasha Khan
Let me rock you, let me feel for you
Tasha Khan let me tell you what I wanna do
Do you feel for me, the way I

If you ever read the manga, only read the "Golden Age" arc. Skip everything else. There's a reason every anime adaptation of it focuses on that part alone.

Savage Huns. Those weird little hats…

The last time I went to Disney World — about a month ago — there was a huge line of people waiting to get their picture taken with a guy in a big inflatable Baymax suit.

Well, I guess I'm weird in your book. That's… hmm. Vaguely insulting? I'm not sure if you meant it that way. Try to look at this from my viewpoint for a second.

To me it's more like not having an interest in something, rather than not liking it. Does that make it less creepy?


Beam me up.

Fair enough. To me, feeling that strongly about sports is about as alien as, say, believing in a god. Most people do, but I don't, and that really does make me "feel like an alien" sometimes, like the Twitter person in the article above.

Also reminds me of some people's need to post about how they don't care about Star Wars or superhero movies every time AV Club covers them… some people have a need to point out that not everybody likes big mainstream stuff. It's not a big deal.

So this is kind of like how evangelical Christians feel persecuted in the US, right?

I think the lemony one was called Crystal By Pepsi.

The beer or the band?

I kind of wish Naomi Watanabe was in the movie.

[displays High-Functioning Flesh LP, nods]