Resolute Blue

What were those tweets that Melissa Villaseñor deleted after she joined the cast of SNL?

Lot of fefees are being hurt... lol!

I hate religion so much. Fuck it. Burn it all to the ground. We don’t fucking need it. The world would be so much better off without its plague-like effects on humanity.

“One of us... one of us...”

I just want these assholes to be open about this. To admit that this bullshit isn’t about the “sanctity of life”. It’s about controlling women.

Is this part of getting old where you start to let some more deeper truth about yourself out in bits and bits?  Do I need to start worrying about admitting that I still want to play with POGS?

And this is another reason why I love you! Thanks!

I feel like I grew out of the game in a similar way you grow up and are not into things like JNCO jeans.

Nobody sensible suggested people shouldn’t be able to show of their ink or body parts. I certainty wasn’t.

To me it’s not about them being “cool”. They’re simply to reflect my naval career achievements and my participation in naval tradition.  Besides my cross anchors on my hands everything else is covered up.  I don’t show them off, they’re for me.

- Sent from my Boost Mobile phone

Yeah, tattoos can be strange. The ones I have I got in the Navy for hitting milestones based on hundreds of years of naval tradition. His tattoos look like exactly what you describe.

Wait, what’s a great city?  BOSTON?!

I think we’ve become too sensitive to “click bait”. Not suggesting that this is an example, just that we can be quick to balk at it. It’s part of the internet. It’s not going anywhere. We can adapt/ignore it. It costs nothing to do that.

I’m gonna be that person and point to her education and social class and wonder how that would work with a guy like him. Sorry for the snobby view.

People mate with that...

She looks like a Disney queen.