Resolute Blue

I don’t know how folks like you can keep this amount of information in your heads. It makes me wonder what important stuff you’re meant to know that you don’t because that room is being taken up by baseball stats.

Which makes apps like this a plague.  Not something we should work to try and be “better” at.

He’s going to be VERY petty about anything related to women on the bench. I mean, even more so that he was before. This here will drive him to make killing anything that’s good for women his life mission while he’s on the bench.

I can’t watch Eternal Sunshine or really anything with KW in it.  Looks so, so, so much like my ex wife.  It’s difficult.

Just to add: NO. Most people can’t consider this or really most fashion shit because it’s a model on display showing the style, not a random person off the street.

Fucking hell, so much this.  For real.  Damn.

Sorry not sorry, but the Scientology taints all of her work for me.

None.  I’d HEAVILY medicate myself into a coma for a flight that long.

I like How I Met Your Mother.

We’re getting taller?

Difficult not to see this as something that pork lovers want.

But they need to be first in telling everyone how right they are.... /s

Ugh, finally! Kinja is working again.

Why does that place trigger you guys so much? Like, nobody here said shit about Jezebel in this piece but you felt you needed to bring them up.


ex Navy?

This could be Netflix’s Game of Thrones, if they play their cards right.

I don’t know if I aged rapidly during the middle of the Kimmy series but I found it to be too loud after a while.  Like, I initially was into it but then my old age kicked in and was like, “Oi... there’s too much here!”