
Now I want to see a mocumentary about David and the gang in a band. Lenny would definitely be the drummer.

This is welcome news. There was some speculation elsewhere (like on AVC sister-site iO9 and various other nerd/geek/dork culture sites) that the additional episode that Fox ordered for this season was going to serve as a series finale.

Thanos is the Warriors. Iron Man is LeBron. Star-Lord is J.R. Smith.

Well I say your three cent titanium tax doesn’t go too far enough!

That storied period where all Americans had access to healthcare, I remember it well.

Bless you for continuing to post these and not letting the continual absurdity of Dolt 45 get you down.

“Ah ha Step 1 of my 59 step plan to re-obtain Kurt’s guitar is complete, kidnapping a human being!”

Nathan Lane as Dr Robotnik, or what’s even the point?

That’s... my fetish...?

Missourian here. I was already reading with full-on Schadenfreude various pieces about Barr getting shitcanned when the Greitens resignation story broke. In the immortal words of Ice Cube, today was a good day.

This is the first ever comment on nu-AV Club that’s caught me off-guard and made me laugh out loud.

Actually no, only people who are working towards redemption deserve it. Everyone deserves the expectation that they can work towards redemption, but you still have to put in the work.

2,000 people is a lot in the polling world. That was a strange comment.

“I thought you died!”

1. 2,200 is definitely a statistically significant sample

Aziz absolutely doesn’t belong on this list. Not excusing his pushy behaviour but lumping him with the rest is not right.

I know. Intolerance of intolerance is the worst kind of intolerance, isn’t it.

It’s almost like there’s a correlation between being racist and being a dumbass.

and in contrast, you look 5 years younger!

::slow clap::