
Yeah, I go more by FiveThirtyEight (who were the ones who said Trump had a one in three chance of winning the election, when many others said he had no chance.)

I’m an SLP. Trump sounded like he had flappers. A flipper is a common partial denture that many older people wear. When they don’t fit right, they are jokingly called “flappers.” If you ever watch Toddlers and Tiaras, the little girls all wear fake teeth, and that is how they sound.

Pai strikes me as being one of those guys we hear about who thought Michael Douglas’s “Greed is good” speech in Wall Street was meant to be taken up as an ethos. It doesn’t surprise me that the intended humor of Ron’s extreme libertarianism is lost on him.

Also, he went to Paramount, not the reverse. So there’s a level of enthusiasm here that I think has been lacking for a long time with Star Trek.

This is the Newswire, your looking for Great Job Internet, two doors down.  No, no, it doesn’t have to be great.

Yes, but...there is the distinct possibility that he is doing something specifically to provoke extremists as an excuse to propose more racist anti-Muslim tactics. That is my biggest concern with this. If wasn’t convinced he is an idiot incapable of planning or nuance, I would think this was an attempt to pour gas

I’m pretty sure the phrase “left-wing nutters” was meant to be sarcastic.

So the thousands of Cuban dissidents he killed were all rich white assholes?

Well, like the nuns taught me about the Holy Trinity, He can be three things

I would like to get back on the saddle very shortly, because—slightly beyond my control—but there was four years between The World’s End and Baby Driver. I don’t want it to be that long again. I would love to have a film out in the next two years.

Hate to be that guy, but I’m an attorney and lots of lawyers, even good ones, use “pled” instead of “pleaded.” Technically “pleaded” is the correct past tense, but “pled” has also become commonly accepted, and sounds more natural when spoken (and many legal writers have been pushing for more natural sounding language

The fact that his DEFENSE for admitting to obstruction of justice was “I had my official legal counsel, the guy who represents me in court, write it” is hilarious. Truly a clown car of incompetence at best that wouldn’t bode well for him if we weren’t already in world of madness. If Trump were a young black kid

Most of middle class Republicans have been fooled into believing the poors are scrwing them out of their money, when it’s actually the “job creators” fucking all of us over.This goes back to the Reagan years, possibly earlier.

I read it as literally regarding only the innuendo and reporting regarding Rush, himself

The only one I can think of was when John Lassater was accused of harassing Rashida Jones, which she said didn’t happen. That came among other stuff that apparently did happen, but it was still inaccurate.

But all I could find was a $100-$800 dollar average annual tax decrease for most people—tax breaks that expire in 2025. Even if you’re “lucky” enough to qualify, $800 mortgaged over 12 months just ain’t that much money. It’s not even the annual cost of a cheap cell phone plan.

Is your buddy not aware of all the other middle-class tax loopholes they’re closing that are going to wipe that $800 out?

It’s almost as if the Republicans were a bunch of hypocritical moralizing venal political operatives who don’t actually care about their constituents!

But think of the private jets! Won’t anyone think of the private jets?

Sometimes I wonder if Trump supporters aren’t selfish enough.