
He says football isn’t violent enough the day after Aaron Hernandez’s CTE scan shows he was one level away from dementia. He just steps in shit over and over and over....

>because of those fans, the show is becoming easy to hate

Lambchop approves of this joke.


Hey, his name was Jerry Lewis, not SHARE-y Lewis!

I’m making the only post I’ll ever make on Kinja to say thank you for this, Ben. To everyone else: if you see anyone posting here with my name, ever (or a similar name, since this impersonator is missing the “r” in “Mrs”) it isn’t me.

Just a note - someone is impersonating Mrs. Langdon Alger on Kinja - the fake account is mslangdonalger and is here:

Also: All 50 state Medicaid directors have come out against the Graham-Cassidy bill.

Bribing Alaska to vote for ACA repeal by offering them to keep the ACA is mustache-twirlingly evil.

Now playing

Daily They’re Still Going to Take Away Your Health Care Reminder:

Wow, Kumail has really hit the big time, hasn’t he? I was just listening to his Beta Male special in the car this morning when he joked that he wanted to become famous enough where he’d replace Kumar as the ubiquitous name that white people yell at brown people as an insult. Well, it certainly seems like it’s close to

Ah, the days before the internet when rumors like that could spread with impunity. I also remember hearing one saying that he (Manson) had his lower ribs removed so he could have the skills the Mooch said Bannon has.

His acting skills from The Wonder Years are still intact.

President Rouhani of Iran has said that his country is prepared to respond “decisively and resolutely” if the nuclear deal is violated. Trump has said he’s made a decision about pulling out of the deal, but hasn’t revealed what he decided to anybody, including allies that are also involved in the deal. I guess

Daily They’re Still Going to Take Away Your Health Care Reminder:

You wrote “rationally” when you actually meant “like a sociopath.”

Trump’s UN speech makes war with North Korea and Iran more likely. His constant threats and hostility towards North Korea will only make them more likely to pursue nuclear missiles than not—I mean, if you were in North Korea’s place, what has Trump done to suggest that you would be able to trust him to keep the peace

Daily They’re Still Going to Take Away Your Health Care Reminder:

Don’t worry, it’s never getting made

To be fair both the manga and movie of Akira had their share of dark humor in them primarily from the teenage boys acting like teenage boys even in the face of the apocalypse along with how much society had devolved over time, which was of course juxtaposed with some truly horrific stuff, but there was levity in Akira