
I always thought it was just a description of their staff, missing a comma (“Red, Cross”).

I, too, would like to thank you for continuing this thread.

A federal judge has granted a preliminary injunction, blocking implementation of Texas SB4, a law that would have punished sanctuary cities who do not comply with ICE/immigrant detention requests. The law was to go into effect on Friday.

Just wanna say thank you for continuing Politics Corner after the Kinjapocalype. It’s one of the only things that keeps me coming back to this site now.

Texas will also be taking up Mexico’s offer to assist with Hurricane Harvey. There is also talk that Republicans are considering cutting disaster relief programs by $1 billion to pay for the wall. Hey, you very rarely get an opportunity to be that evil, might as well take it.

There seem to be no ants in the photo. I assume they’re fine.

Two years later and I still can’t believe he’s gone. The fact that the author who basically singlehandedly shaped my way of thinking as a teenager and, partially, as a grown-up was still alive and active somehow was incredibly comforting. His death left some part of me hollow.

But instead of killing each other they spread vicious rumors and fat-shame the big girl.

Girl Power(struggle)!

It’s still good! It’s still good!

Kinja nuked the comment section, and now you’re posting over half an hour late? What is the point of this feature anymore.

Looks like comments are migrating over. I just got a dozen notifications all at once for things a week or two passed.

“You’re doin’ a heckuva job, Brockie.”

Trump... “Don’t worry, we have cake.”

I heard a theory that the pardon was timed as it was to signal to other people who’re being questioned about Russia that they should sit tight and not say anything, because if they get in trouble over it, he’s got their backs and he’ll pardon them. That seemed pretty plausible to me.

I moved last week and my account migration didn’t work properly, but maybe I’m back now. Trump is still the worst. And North Korea has fired four missiles since Trump said that they respect us now.

“I’m not a Nazi. I just happen to think blond-haired, blue-eyed northern Europeans of Teutonic stock are superior to all other humans. Also, Jews are literal monsters.”

Throw the book at this useless waste of flesh. I hope he never gets a job as long as he lives.

One shouldn’t have to never use the phrase “per se” when denying one’s Nazihood.