Its definitely the name Cleanse versus just the rules text. This isn't applying to Mass Calcify which reads "destroy all non-white creatures"
Its definitely the name Cleanse versus just the rules text. This isn't applying to Mass Calcify which reads "destroy all non-white creatures"
That is unequivocal CP. I don’t care what you’re selling....if you won’t let me drive it, I sure as hell am not giving you my money for it.
If police can destroy private property because it could be used as a weapon, then they can destroy pretty much anything they want. Th argument is absurd on its face. Hopefully Minneapolis will be paying to have these tires replaced and identifying and firing these officers.
This is a car that has no market value, so if it’s in good shape with good tires, it will command the minimum price for a working vehicle that is still in good shape : $1,500
It’s got a VIN, and I’ll be adding the seatbelts.
Can’t wait for the “Making it a street legal vehicle” video.
Denial denial denial. This is just one of MANY many dominoes to fall. I really am amazed at how delusion americans are being. We are at the beginning of a full blown world Depression. Nothing is coming back to normal. Auto industry is in trouble as are most.
If they quit going to Starbucks and eating avocado toast every morning they would be just fine. They just need to get a 2nd or 3rd job and pull themselves up by their boot straps.
Yeah, the lack of Cowboy Bebop makes this list quite suspect. The show has held up and I can usually sell people with the line “Did you like Firefly? Firefly basically stole its entire concept from Cowboy Bebop.”
I’ve seen a lot of anime, though I’m also a major critic of most anime... and both Black Lagoon and Monster come up as mediocre in my mind. They do nothing to leverage the medium, and Monster in particular goes on and on and on... amounting to very little by the end. Should’ve kept it a concise 26 episodes, I think.
1. If it spins, wear safety goggles or face shield.
Best practices guide for Harbor Freight stuff:
Yep,. 24k on a 650 hp rental sounds like 240k on a normal car to me.
The Master Race™ strikes again!
You can Google 10k results about why incest is bad but that didn’t stop your family, did it?
And he only added 11,000 miles, it seems, which doesn’t inspire confidence that it works well.
all im going to say is , as a lady, if i used a ten year old pic of myself for anything, i would be crucified for it. hard CP even if it wasn’t overpriced. not sure what this guy did in ten years to add value (doubt he did any of the listed mods) but having taken 0 usable images of it? in that entire time? no, sir
During Tuesday’s press briefing, Trump kept mentioning “makeshift morgue trucks at Elmhurst Hospital, in his native Queens, at Tuesday’s briefing,” reports The Week.