They’re gambling more than investing. **** ‘em.
They’re gambling more than investing. **** ‘em.
Elon is worth $12B. He gambled his personal fortune to keep Tesla afloat. He started a space flight company. He wants to colonize Mars. There are far easier ways to make money.
Editing isnt part of the mantra at Gawker sites.
On a more serious note, musk based fragrances are absolutely awful.
Kia Soul and the previous Scion xBs are the modern “Old People” car around here when discrediting higher priced big cars like E classes, Tauruses, and Avalons.
Funny how the “Hip car” becomes the lame car.
Here in the US, a Yaris is more of a car for the broke kid who is putting himself/herself through university on their own dime.
Preach. Sometimes you just want comfort and practicality over just speeeeed and handling. Not many cars today that fit that bill unless you count the semi-expensive to stupid expensive luxobarges out there. I don’t know, the new Continental was the first car to come to my mind if I were to think of what would be a…
Well which one is James May more comfortable in? A LeSabre or a Yaris?
I’ll say here what I said in Tavarish’s thread.
Fix those heater bypass elbows and the inevitable intake gasket and you've got possibly the most reliable American engine of the OBD2 era.
All the meh for this one, however $kaycog now has three new pictures when someone wins a VW-themed COTD.
Wow... early COTD contender.
This may be one of the best comments I’ve ever read.
Beautiful car? Yes!
Are we that desperate for attention that we have to get our face in all the pictures? Do we not get enough attention from our Facebook posts that we need to add Craigslist also? Can not imagine having to deal with these narcissists so .... CP.
For want of a connector the air line was lost.
For want of an air line the wastegate was lost.
For want of a wastegate the turbo was lost.
For want of a turbo the power was lost.
For want of power a lap was lost.
For want of a lap the race was lost.
And all for the want of a turbo line connector.
So the proverbial $2 part let them down. That sux! You gotta feel for the team to have the win ripped away like that.