How does left foot braking on the street work when the ECU cuts torque almost immediately when both the brake and throttle are engaged?
How does left foot braking on the street work when the ECU cuts torque almost immediately when both the brake and throttle are engaged?
I first learned left foot braking not for gravel, but for autocrossing a FWD car on tarmac. No Scandinavian Flicks there, but the ability to adjust weight transfer, and therefore the car’s handling characteristics, are just as useful for getting a nose heavy FWD car around the cones as for impressive slides on dirt.…
Field maintenace must be a bitch removing the waterproofing.
I think we were both just early to the party. You were first to make a joke (that was, frankly, begging to be made), and I was the first to try to clear up what is still a big misunderstanding to many people.
Asbestos is only dangerous when it becomes aerated, simply because the fibers are small and can’t be expelled from the lungs. It’s not chemically dangerous.
“I have an idea for waterproofing shit, lets put cancer play-doh everywhere!”
flush and fill all fluids,
Hey you found David’s next jeep for his fleet!
It’s still there ain’t it? That’s proof it can hold up against water.
Mesothelioma. It’s a jeep thing.
The Captain was below deck sleeping off the four vodka collins he had when they were in port. Nah... that would never happen.
I sea that you just made a whale of a pun.
Kinda weak $kay. I know you can float better puns than that. Come back when you have a prop-er one.
A ship ran aground in Mauritius last Thursday night after the crew got into a fight in the engine room.
I knew I should have taken that left turn at Albuquerque...
And I thought Pacquiao vs Mayweather was an expensive fight.
“A 44,000 deadweight tonnage shop ran aground in Mauritius.”
That's a pretty big shop!